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//在线学习 $study_article_finds = Db::name('en_study_article')->where('type','=',0)->where('class_id',1)->find();
Classical  >  JD Micromouse
13、JD——experiment:Walking straight line

The sensors on Micromouse are its eyes, and its two wheels are its feet. If you want it to move and work as required, you need to learn to control the use of its "eyes" and "feet". When people are moving, they observe the surrounding environment through their eyes, and use these information as the basis to command the foot movement. This is also the case with Micromouse , which use sensors to obtain external information and use these as a basis to control its wheels movement.

When Micromouse is left offset, increase the left motor speed or decrease the right motor speed.

When Micromouse is right offset, increase the right motor speed or decrease the left motor speed.

ICP备案号:津IPC19005703号-1 公安备案号:12010302001581