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Classical  >  JM Micromouse
4、JMⅡ——Attitude Detection

Because the speed of the coreless DC motor is extremely fast, the turning angle of Micromouse cannot achieve the purpose of precise control simply relying on the time or pulse number of differential operations. Therefore, in this experiment we learn to use the gyroscope to control the turning angle of Micromouse.

TQD-Micromouse JMⅡ uses ADXRS620 gyroscope to detect the rotation angle as shown below. ADXRS620 is a linear Z-axis angular velocity sensor whose output voltage is proportional to the angular velocity. By integrating the angular velocity, the angle value can be obtained. There by precisely controlling the turning angle.

ICP备案号:津IPC19005703号-1 公安备案号:12010302001581