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Interantional Micromouse Challenge,India

On January 4, 2020, the First Interantional Micromouse Challenge of the 23rd Edition of Asia’s Science and Technilogy Festival--Techfest 2020 was held in Mumbai, India. The delegations from India, China, Australia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and other countries participated in the competition. Micromouse team of Tianjin, China won all the medals of "gold, silver and copper" with absolute advantage, and successfully got the prize of 175000 rupees.

Competition time: Every January.4

Competition venue:Mumbai, India.

We won the top three in the 23rd India Micromouse competition.



Picture 1 Group Photo of International Micromouse Challenge,India

It is particularly worth mentioning that the LubanWorkshop team of Chennai Institute of technology in India that adopted the IEEE International standard equipment TQD-Micromouse-JD presented by China in 2017, won the champion of India domestic competition and the fourth place of the world elite group and won the prize of 5000 rupees, becoming the star team of International Micromouse Challenge,India! Kasik, teacher of Indian Luban workshop, said that such excellent results of the team of Luban Workshop in Chennai Institute of Technology is the result of the joint efforts of teachers and students of Luban Workshop and the support of enterprises, Tianjin Qicheng Science & Technology Co. Ltd. in the past three years.


Picture 2 Group Photo of Winners in the International Micromouse Challenge,India 

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