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Micromouse Timer

Product model:TQD-Micromouse Timer

  • Product features
  • Hardware specifications
  • software function
  • TQD Micromouse timer I automatic scoring system is an automatic scoring system specially.

    The system consists of a starting module, a terminal module, a scoring system module and PC software. The start module and the end module are installed in the start labyrinth and the end labyrinth respectively. The scoring system module is used to receive the data from the start module and the end module and transmit it to the computer. The scoring software processes the data and displays the operation of Micromouse in the labyrinth in an intuitive way.

  • 1. Wireless network design based on ZigBee.

    2. System installation and debugging is simple and fast.

    3. The mature and stable ZigBee wireless transceiver technology makes the communication system stable and reliable.

    4. Friendly PC interface makes it more convenient and faster for users.

    5. Low power control system design, so that it has a long time endurance.

    6. Mini USB charging mode is adopted to supplement the system power efficiently and reliably.

    7. Ultrasonic sensing technology is used as signal detection method.

    8. The scoring system can be accurate to 0.001s, which fully meets the standard of International competition.

ICP备案号:津IPC19005703号-1 公安备案号:12010302001581